Two down from the five things I had to do/submit this week. Hopefully I can finish up my ob tonight so I can start doing the final edits for ob & ethics tomorrow and don't have to worry about it on Thursday and Friday.

Pls give me strength. 🙌🏻

Went to visit my sick grandmother today and my cousins couldn't stop obsessing over my flowery shawl HAHAHA~ It was a short session but it's nice to meet the cousins at late mum's side for a short while.

And granny really looks very injured from the fall ;( I hope she recovers soon. ❤️



What does self satisfaction mean to oneself?

“I don’t know, I haven’t found mine yet. I’ll let you know when I have found out the aspect in life that satisfies me the most.”



Good morning world! Let's make today a productive day!!! ✨

Told the younger brother that I was hungry but I was so busy rushing through my assignments, then he came out of the kitchen with this.

It's just an eggs and ham sandwich but it's the thought that counts. I'm easily touched okay. Thank you baby bro! 🙆🏼

Probably can't get over this for a while. Congratulations, my boys! #pain1stwin




Having alone time with myself makes me stop and think about myself for a while. I love having alone time to myself, be it just a simple bus ride to school, having the house all to myself for a while, walking in the park alone, going to the nearby shops and things like that. I’m not lonely, I just like to be by myself. Is that weird?

The funny thing is, these kinds of questions start to appear in my thoughts without me realising it everytime I plug my earpiece in and look out of the window. Have I been good to the people around me? Am I good enough for everyone? What do others think of me? Do people actually like being by my side? Do they think about me as much as I think about them?

I don’t know, have I?


Busiest week ahead. Please pray for me. ✨

This show on TV makes me want to go on a holiday but then that moment when reality strikes you….


Just had to stop in the middle of the pathway to take a photo of these bc yes, they are so precious like that. Discovered this a couple of days ago and it was LOVE at first taste. I never knew that these babies exist in vanilla flavor bc I am so so so in love. Today I went to the shop nearby after class and there was exactly 2 of these left. If this is not fate, then I don't know what is.

My love for vanilla is just 🙌🏻

Can't Open My Eyes .


Accomplishment is when you manage to focus on your work for a solid 1 hour or so without getting distracted over Twitter/Snapchat/Instagram/Wordpress/Dayre/Carousell/YouTube/Tumblr/shows on tv.

And unfortunately, I haven't been able to accomplish that for a while already. 😦

M E D I A , P L E A S E ?